Who We Are

Discovery Land Global is a ministry committed to equipping local church leaders to prepare kids for today, tomorrow, and eternity through sharing the Gospel, developing biblical literacy, giving kids a God-sized view of the world, and showing them what it looks like to be a follower of Jesus in today’s world.

We Are:

Gospel Centered

The Good News of Jesus is why we’re here! You can find our full statement of faith here.

Locally Created

We are a ministry that was designed by the church, for the church. Discovery Land was born out of the children’s ministry program at Alliance Church in Appleton, Wisconsin. That is still our home base and “kid lab” where we test out ideas and see the curriculum in action each week.

Child Informed

We truly love kids and families! DLG’s leadership and staff are involved in on-the-ground children’s ministry, in both lead and volunteer roles. We aim to provide resources that are kid-friendly and designed with a solid understanding of children in all areas of their development.

Leader Focused

Healthy, effective child discipleship requires healthy, equipped leaders who are growing in their faith. That’s why we provide training resources for leaders at all levels along with encouragement and support for directors.

Globally Minded

The Discovery Land curriculum is available in Albanian, English, French, Russian, and Spanish! We partner with Awana International and work with leaders in many other countries and regions. We also love teaching kids about how God is working around His world and include real-time mission lessons in the curriculum. Your membership helps fuel our global work.

We look forward to getting to know you, understanding your vision for your children and families, and supporting you as you seek to make resilient disciples in your church and community.

For more information on the curriculum, request a sample.

For other questions, contact us – we’d love to hear from you!