These three powerful tools come together to help you create dynamic, effective discipleship for kids!
We partner with churches like yours to provide resources for your overall child discipleship plan. We specialize in Sunday morning curriculum, leader training, and community. Our passion for child discipleship helps ignite and equip churches to provide powerful, intentional discipleship for kids!
Our desire to reach the world with the love of Christ is part of who we are. You’ll find it woven into the curriculum as we teach about how God is at work around the world. Our organization currently partners with churches of various denominations in over 43 countries.
Your donation goes far to equip local church leaders with materials, training, and encouragement. It also helps sharpen the resources and services we provide to all DL Global partners. Contributions directly impact children and their leaders. Donate today.
The Discovery Land program is designed to teach kids about God, themselves, and the world around them according to the truth of the Bible. They are invited into a relationship with Jesus Christ and shown what it means to follow Him.
Discovery Land was created by the church, for the church. Our materials are regularly enhanced and upgraded to be relevant to today’s changing kids and issues, and it has been proven over time to be an effective tool for churches to make disciples and future children’s ministry leaders.
Discovery Land includes fun, hands-on learning. Teachers are trained to “Bring the Bible to Life,” and it involves kids in active learning. It is geared for both visitors and kids who attend each week, as kids want to invite their friends!