Membership Form

Note: The information and sign up below is for churches in the United States, Canada, and Australia. If you are outside of those areas, please go to our international page for details on your country or region.

Let’s go! You’re ready to get started with Discovery Land, and this is an exciting time in the life of your children’s ministry. 

Please complete the following information and steps to set up your yearly Discovery Land membership account. 

The account belongs to your church, and each church gets one login. You are free to share your login information with anyone at your church who needs access.

Within one to two business days of receiving your completed online form, we will set up your account and send you an invoice via email. 

If you have any questions about this form, contact Andrea Malnar at

Sign Up 2

Church Information

*Indicates a required field
Please indicate the main point of contact for Discovery Land.
Please indicate the main point of contact for Discovery Land.
You can use an individual or church email. This email will be associated with your account.
Church Address
Church Address
Preferred Language

Additional Contacts and Agreement

Sign Up for DL Director Emails:

You can sign up multiple people to receive these emails.

Agreement box:
This document aims to establish a membership agreement between Appleton Alliance Association Inc., doing business as Discovery Land Global (DLG), and the Church named above (the Church).

This is a good faith agreement between the parties as Christian organizations that voluntarily seek to unite their efforts to fulfill the Great Commission and ensure the integral well-being of children. We are united by the common interest of teaching children to know the Word of God, showing them what it means to be followers of Christ, and building them into resilient spiritual leaders. Therefore, we agree to join efforts for the fulfillment of the Great Commission.

  • DLG develops children’s ministry curriculum and licenses those materials to local churches for use in Christian Education. The Church agrees to use the Discovery Land program consistently with DLG’s stated purpose and statement of faith as found on
  • DLG agrees to provide curriculum and related resources to the Church for a suggested price.
  • The Church and DLG agree that the Church, including its children/youth program that uses DLG program materials, is not a division, branch, or department of DLG. The Church and DLG further agree that their relative status is that of an independent purchaser and licensee (the Church) and provider and licensor (DLG) of the DLG program materials.
  • The Church is fully responsible for the implementation of the curriculum within its church.
  • The Church maintains full responsibility for the safety of the children in its programs and agrees to hold harmless DLG and those associated with DLG for all claims, damages, and liability arising out of the Church’s DL or other youth programs. This provision extends beyond the life of this agreement.
  • The Church will not share the DL curriculum (in any form or version) outside of their own church ministry.
  • Any dispute of differences shall be handled in accordance with biblical principles that maintain unity.
  • The Church agrees that all copyrights, trademarks, trade names, service marks, and similar intellectual property rights provided by DLG under this Agreement, including the “Discovery Land Global” and “Discovery Land” names, are the property of DLG and are owned solely and exclusively by DLG. The Church agrees that it will not reproduce or use the DLG program materials in the production or sale of proprietary materials.
  • This Agreement terminates on failure of the Church to renew its membership, or on DLG’s refusal to accept the agreement. Either party may terminate this Agreement at any time by giving written notice to the other party. The Church agrees not to use any of the DLG program material following termination of this Agreement.

DLG and the Church sign the agreement voluntarily as Christian organizations united by the common purpose of fulfilling the Great Commission and the urgent need of reaching children with the Gospel.